2 years and A New Journey

Well, it’s been about two years since i wrote something on this blog.  A lot has happened in my life that forced me to take time away from blogging.  However like a boomerang, I tend to always come back to it stronger, better and with a lot more to say.  These 2 years have seen Uneak music grow into multiple projects, albums, singles, videos, and production.  I have launched www.uneakmusic.com and in my personal life I am now engaged to my girlfriend of 6 years.  A lot of positives have happen and some negatives.  I lost my grandfather late in 2014, have lost a couple of employment opportunities, but we keep moving forward.  One battle that I continue to have is being overweight.  It’s one thing I have always battled post high school.   Ive done diets, I’ve hit the gym, and I get nowhere.  Today I begin a new journey with a friend of mine.  She introduced me to a product called ZEN BODY.  Theres a lot of information I could give you about it, but that will be coming soon.  In the next couple of months I will be sharing my Journey with those who want to come along with me.  I will include pictures, history and a lot of information.  We’ll see where we end up.
